The Partner Relationship Survey and Trust

Continuing to explore the application of trust in business-to-business, Peter Lavers answers questions about the Partner Relationship Survey and its relationship to trust.

In this video, Paul Cranston gets to speak with Customer Attuned director and customer experience consultant, Peter Lavers about the relationship between the Partner Relationship Survey and trust. Specifically comparing the survey to the Net Promotor Score and talking about the link to Dr Mark Hollyoake’s model the S-Curve of Trust.

This interview follows other videos that bring Trust to life:

Dr Mark Explains the S-Curve of Trust.

Ellie chats with Paul about the role of trust in Segmentation.

Customer Attuned runs the survey with many companies across sectors. If you want to explore how the survey can help provide assurance and guidance in your strategic relationships, please contact us.

Paul Cranston
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