Partner Relationship Survey

By definition, partnerships are important to both parties. They represent an important investment and involve participation of many stakeholders on both sides.

Sadly, it is often only when the relationship has already soured that the issues are raised and truly visible. The Partner Relationship Survey from Customer Attuned is designed to spot the triggers and critical incidents essential for deepening or damaging a trusted relationship across both sides of the relationship and within different levels of seniority and engagement.

This process gives a wealth of insight into what’s really working or not, and whether the relationship is improving or deteriorating – all supported with pertinent comments that bring the sentiments to life.

The principles that support the survey draw upon over five years of academic and industry research undertaken by Dr Mark Hollyoake across numerous sectors and at multiple levels within B2B relationships and partnerships.

More Than Just a Customer Survey

The Partner Survey consists of questions that are aligned to the Trust DNA™ model  and independently asked during  confidential interviews with as many as 25 stakeholders representing each side of the relationship. This gives a mirrored 360 view of the reality of your partnership.

In contrast with the NPS rating, the outputs of the Customer Attuned Partner Relationship survey bring actionable quantitative and qualitative insights during the course of the relationship.

Outcomes of the Partner Relationship Survey

The report includes detailed analyses of the results including rating, sentiment and gap comparisons within and across the partnership. These analyses can be used to train, develop and ultimately strengthen the relationship in order to protect the long-term viability of the partnership.

In addition, we place the relationship on the ‘S’ Curve of trust; this represents the current level of trust within the relationship, a critical indicator of success and the ability to realise mutual value.

The report and feedback focus on the “so what” and “what do we need to do to improve”:

· Is the relationship getting better?

· What works best?

· Where do we need to focus?

Ultimately, this helps build a better partner relationship based on trust and working together for mutual benefit.

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Customer Management


Sales & Account Management


Trust Evaluation & Development


Embedded Trust


Business Capabilities


Training & Development

Customer Strategy

We help you redefine your Customer Management, through developing and implementing a focused strategy, and overseeing the changes to people, processes and technologies.

What clients say…

Helen Ormandy,

Head of Client Relations & Business Performance,

Partner Relationship Survey Clients

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