Sales and Account Management

How we help our customers

Using extensive evidence-based doctoral research on Trust, Customer Attuned works with clients to deliver unique sales and account management solutions including: 

  • Sales and account management capability frameworks 
  • Trust-based account planning blueprints 
  • Key Account Management strategies and techniques 
  • Joint business planning 
  • Sales and account management training 

Trust is the linchpin of effective sales and account management, serving as the cornerstone that underpins successful relationships. In this fast-paced world of business, clients seek quality products or services and a reliable and transparent partner.  

Building and maintaining trust is pivotal in sales, creating a solid foundation for open communication, customer loyalty, and long-term collaboration. 

All our solutions are underpinned by a clear understanding of: 

  • the client’s route to market   
  • their key relationships  
  • the critical role of their sales and account management teams in managing and developing relationships. 
  • the tools, plans and processes currently in place to support the management of and evaluation of these relationships. 

You are here:


Customer Management


Sales & Account Management


Trust Evaluation & Development


Embedded Trust


Business Capabilities


Training & Development

Customer Strategy

We help you redefine your Customer Management, through developing and implementing a focused strategy, and overseeing the changes to people, processes and technologies.

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Solutions to meet your needs

Your sales and account management capabilities are the front line of your business success. To deliver effective and trusted sales and account management you need a combination of: 

  • people with the knowledge, skill and capability to develop and manage trusted relationships that enable the delivery of mutual value 
  • an understanding the value of your customers in your approach to account management and key account management planning and solutions 
  • business processes and tools to support your sales and account management teams manage and access the information they need to help them deliver the right solutions to your customers effectively and efficiently 
  • the right metrics and KPIs in place to effectively measure the performance of relationships, people and process 

Every relationship plays its part in your business success but your largest and key strategic relationships often have their own unique requirements – so we have a unique solution based on our proprietary research and expertise – the Partner Relationship Survey that: 

  • evaluates the strength of strategic relationships
  • the level of trust that exists
  • identifies critical actions to improve your relationship, the realisation of mutual value and improve customer retention. 

Customer Management requires a customer relationship strategy


Are you experiencing challenges within your sales and account management teams or looking to implement a fresh approach?  

Talk to us and have a no-obligation chat with our team to explore how we can help. 

What clients say…

Will Shaw,

Director of Corporate,

UK Insurance, Bupa

Account Manager’s Scorecard

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