The Trust Factor – Making B2B Trust your business DNA – Read the panel summary

B2B trust can be defined as; “The willingness to be vulnerable to another party and the decision to engage in actions based upon an interpretation of their ability, credibility and the expectations of mutual value exchange over time”

Dr Mark Hollyoake

What is the Trust Factor and why  this is important in a business context?
The Trust Factor is in fact your B2B (Trust) DNA. The DNA that binds all your corporate relationships together. The DNA that ensures contracts are renewed, the DNA that builds mutual value, the DNA that demonstrates your credibility and develop long lasting, sustainable relationships.

It is this concept; ‘B2B Trust DNA’ that led Dr Mark Hollyoake to dedicate 5 years of study and intense academic research to achieve his doctorate, which he gained this year…. The year of huge change and the year all plans and strategies were thrown out of the boardroom window. No one predicted this new environment we all operate in.

We were honoured to be able to deliver our third on line panel discussion in October, which builds on our series on Providing Leadership in the New Normal.

Our thanks are extended to an exemplary panel, who shared their insights, time and practical experiences:

  • David Haley, Global Head of Business Transformation Services, Atos
  • Mumbi Odame, Head of Human Centred Design, Rand Merchant Bank
  • David Brown, Distribution & Proposition Agency Leader, Commercial, Covéa Insurance

Find out what our guest speakers said about B2B Trust in their sectors.

Read the summary

Watch the discussion here

Ellie Luk