Customer Management Insights

Customer Management defines how you treat your customer, read insights from our experts including CX Influencer Peter Lavers

Customer Centricity Corner with Peter Lavers – Digital Transformation

How to ensure that Customer Centricity is central in your drive to digitally transform your company In this edition of the Customer Centricity Corner, Peter Lavers interviews Wi… Read more

Is your company Customer Attuned?

Customer Management looks different for a lot of companies, for one company Customer Experience is the priority, for another it’s about Building Trust, or it could be refr… Read more
How well do you manage customer value? A Customer Attuned blog

How well do you manage customer value?

In the insurance and wider financial services sector, the concept of customer value is growing in profile all the time. This has come about mainly, though not exclusively, as a res… Read more
No going back to the old way of managing customers and partners

No going back to the old way of managing customers and partners

No going back to the old way of managing customers and partners Let’s face it, there is no going back to the old way we are used to in how we manage our customers and partners – the… Read more

Six lenses of best practice for Customer Charter development

Customer charters can play a key role in manifesting your wider brand promise into concrete standards and commitments that you are happy for your customers to judge you by. In hund… Read more
The Impact of Hybrid working Event

New Event: The Impact of Hybrid Working on How we Build and Manage Trusted Customer Relationships

The Impact of Hybrid Working on How we Build and Manage Trusted Customer Relationships We are pleased to announce our next event will be on how we build and manage trusted customer r… Read more
What do you call a FCMG Consultant?

What do you call a FMCG Consultant? Trouble-shooter, Problem Solver and Magician!

What do you call a FMCG Consultant? Trouble-shooter, Problem Solver and Magician! Over the last few years and working with the team here at Customer Attuned with our clients, I hav… Read more
A year in lockdown supporting our customers

A Year in Lockdown Supporting our Customers

A year in lockdown supporting our customers Looking back at the last 12 months, it’s easy to focus on the negative news and forget the positives that came out of going into lockdown.… Read more

Why treating customers fairly should be a top priority

As an independent customer experience expert on the SAS Collaborators Programme, I’m delighted to have my new blog “Why treating customers fairly should be a top pr… Read more

Are there any good reasons for delaying a CX listening or improvement programme?

Timing always seems to be an issue with new voice of the customer (VoC) surveys, capability building, and customer experience (CX) improvement programmes. I often hear “l… Read more