CRM Steps for Success – Making the case for change – Part 3 of 7

Making a powerful case for change will mean your CRM project will get off the ground, it’s easier said than done and there are many steps to consider. What most of the change management methodologies out there agree on is there needs to be a sense of urgency, Kotter’s 8 step process for leading change requires it as a foundation. As a bare minimum you have to communicate the following key points;

  • The Why

    Why does the business need to update or install a CRM, are some big things being missed, is the current system not being used by the right people within the business? This is a great area to put your case in simple terms.

  • The What

    What changes are needed at a high level, include a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analyses, really make the key stakeholders understand you have thought this through properly.

  • The Benefits

    What are the key benefits to the business and how will implementation help improve business processes, profitability etc.

  • So What

    List out what will happen if you don’t move forward, what are the biggest threats to the business not having an up to date CRM programme.

  • The Process

    What is involved in developing a new CRM.

  • The People

    Who will need to be involved and what is expected of them in the near and far future.

  • Commitment

    You need to get senior buy in and for them to commit to the process, otherwise getting beyond the first step will be a struggle.

Start by making a compelling case to your senior stakeholders based around the above points, if you can get buy in at that stage then a detailed business case will be required, and that is another article in it’s-self!

If you want to know more about how to make a good case for change please send us a tweet;


Dr Mark Hollyoake
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