What is the role of a leader in learning and development?

What is the role of a leader in learning and development?

Training expert Alan Thompson at Customer Attuned, invited Stewart Waddy, Head of Strategic Intermediary Relationships at Bupa, to share his insights on building his teams skills and exploring their own career path.

In this videos Alan and Stewart discuss:

  1. What do you think the role of the leader is prior to any participants even attending any development programme?
  2. Is the timeliness of the training or development programme important?
  3. What do you see as the key role for leader to support your team during that time?
  4.  If you have an important client call. How do you prevent people dipping out? Is it scheduling, is it planning?
  5. Do you see value in you showing any visibility for part or all of the programmes which your teams are attending?
  6. What do you see as your key role post your teams attending any development programme?

Watch the full video to hear how Stewart Waddy manages his teams’ learning and development at Bupa.


Alan Thompson