12 Days of Xmas #3: My largest customer said to me: we need to explore a more formalised relationship
On the 3rd day of Christmas my largest customer said to me “we need to explore a more formalised relationship”.
A call or note like this from a customer who provides a significant amount of your company’s revenue can often be met with dread! However, it could indicate something really positive.
If you have been pulling the right relationship levers and triggers, then a heightened level of interdependence, trust and mutual commercial benefit will develop.
Customers will also be looking at where they can realise long term value and which trusted partners are able to deliver it. If you fit into that profile then the development of a more formalised relationship is inevitable and to be welcomed.
A pro-active account team will sieze the oportunity to develop the depth of relationship and steer it into strategic partnership.
This will involve greater levels of joint planning, co-creation, joint action and mutual investment, so be warned and be ready.
Would you like to know how you could respond should such a call come in after Christmas? If so, then drop us a line.
Find out more about our approach to Key Account Management here.
Get in touch with Mark Hollyoake, FMCG & Key Account Management Specialist & Director
Or email us at: hello@customerattuned.com
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