9 Live Chat Benefits for B2B (Infographic)

When it comes to dealing with customer requests and complaints, speed is of the essence. Or, at the very least it should be. Research shows that the average time for customer service response on social media is 10 hours, while email responses can often take up to a whopping 12h!

This is clearly unacceptable in the fast-paced world of online commerce, and a long customer wait time can seriously harm your business in the long term.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution that any online business can implement, and it’s called live chat. Live chat software allows you to interact with your customers in real-time while they’re browsing your website. Not only is live chat more convenient for both business owners and customers, but it’s also 100x faster than any other digital service channel.

The benefits of live chat are many, and the most obvious one is increased sales and conversions. Live chat is a powerful conversion tool since it enables you to deal with your website visitor enquires while they’re still on the site. In fact, according to The American Marketing Association, B2B companies that use live chat see a 20% increase in conversions.

Please click here to take a look at the Website Group’s infographic to find out in nine key ways that your B2B company can benefit from live chat.

Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss client engagement and trust building with one of the Customer Attuned team.